Focus Areas

Georgia First focuses its efforts on three main areas: sound fiscal policy, expanded access to health care, and election integrity and democracy issues.

Creating a Robust Middle Class

Our organization champions efforts that create a robust middle class here in Georgia and give the opportunity to succeed to every hard-working family, no matter where they live. That means increasing opportunities for rural communities and creating business-friendly policies that encourage innovation and lessen the tax burden on those in the middle class and those with less means.

Expanding Access to Affordable Care

Our state is in the middle of a health crisis, with hospitals closing in many rural areas and counties with no primary physicians at all. These issues impede our state’s economic progress and limit opportunity.

Whether they live in the city or rural areas, we believe all Georgians deserve access to affordable quality care. That’s why our organization fights to make that a reality in every corner of the state. 

Election Access and Security

Our organization believes we must ensure that elections are safe, accessible, secure, and easy for every eligible voter. Voting is the bedrock of our democracy, the right by which we protect all others guaranteed to us in the Constitution. For our republic to survive, we must fiercely protect this right and ensure the process works fairly.